Safeguarding Your Creative Work

Hello, everyone! I'd like to address an incredibly vital topic: ensuring the safety of your digital assets by backing them up. Recently, I experienced the unfortunate loss of a hard drive that contained an entire year's worth of my art projects. Thankfully, it didn't involve my photography, as I've diligently backed up all those precious memories to the cloud. Nevertheless, losing those art projects was a real heartache. 🥺

Now, let's delve into some options for cloud backup:

For those of you who are Amazon Prime members, there's a convenient solution. Prime members can back up their personal photos to Amazon's cloud using their dedicated app, which is compatible with phones, tablets, and computers. You get to choose which drives and folders to back up and how frequently.

If you're seeking a robust backup solution for business purposes, I highly recommend considering these two options:

  1. IDrive: IDrive offers various plans to accommodate your specific backup needs, all at competitive prices. Plus, you can enjoy an exclusive 90% discount on your first year by using my referral link: IDrive Discount

  2. Backblaze: Another excellent choice for personal and business cloud backup is Backblaze. Learn more about their services here: Backblaze Cloud Backup

Remember, in addition to using reliable backup services, it's essential to bolster your online security by maintaining strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication for your accounts, and having redundant backup copies in at least three different locations. Your digital creations deserve the utmost protection!


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